Group Facilities
The Hayes lab is housed in a new laboratory (completed May 2007) which is exceptionally well-equipped for synthetic chemistry. Equipment includes:
- Double station glove box, equipped with two -35 °C freezers, cold well and both small and large antechambers

- 2nd double station glove box, equipped with -35 °C freezer, digitial O2 sensor, and CCD camera for crystal manipulation
- Varian 4000 GC/MS with positive and negative CI, MS/MS, and direct insertion probe

- Elementar Americas Vario MicroCube Elemental Analyzer (C,H,N,O,S capabilities)

- 240 L liquid N2 dewar for easy access to liquid N2
- 1 Liquid N2 dewar (10 L), 1 dry ice storage chest
- 3 - 6' fume hoods, 1 - 10' fume hood

- 7 High vacuum lines (2 under Ar, 5 under Ar or H2)

- 1 Buchi B585 Kugelrohr distillation apparatus

- 1 Buchi rotovap equipped with a recirculating chiller

- 1 Large -30 °C freezer, 1 large oven, 2 sinks, many windows

- 1 Mettler balance (accurate to 1 mg), 4 Mettler analytical balances (accurate to 0.1 mg)
- 1 Sonicator, 1 blow torch (O2/natural gas) for flame sealing NMR tubes
- Plenty of glassware for air sensitive and non-air sensitive manipulations, various sizes of dewars, lab jacks,
heating mantles and stirrer-heaters
- 3 Self-contained student offices with Dell computers